Alter Health Services

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Why Wait to Lose Weight?

Posted 11.28.2021 in Mystery Minutes

Weight gain prevention is much easier than losing weight later.

Which is easier to do, lose 50 lbs of fat or not gain it in the first place? If you think losing weight is easier than preventing it, it's a fair bet you have never had to lose a significant amount of weight before. If you have lost weight before and still think it is harder to prevent gaining weight than losing it, your brain has been sugar-hijacked! You need to know how to set yourself free. Here are 3 weight prevention hacks that can bust those pesky sugar cravings, clear your thinking, and help you prevent putting on the pounds.

  1. Understand the Fire and Stop Fueling it.

According to researchers at the University of Bordeaux, in 2007,( Is sugar an addictive drug? ) they discovered that sugar has a bigger impact than hard drugs in the brain. Their experiments showed that refined sugar is 4 times more addictive than cocaine! Today, the impact of sweetness on the human brain’s pleasure centers is no longer in doubt.

Sugar has a heroin-like effect on the brain, exciting the endorphin (pleasure) centers. Refined sugar highjacks all the brain receptors that are meant to regulate appetite. Once this happens, it's no longer genuine hunger directing when to eat but rather the cravings that are in command. This insidious override or the normal self-control mechanisms often leads to sugar addiction.

The addictive power of sugar is present even when that sweet flavor is somehow "hidden". Foods such as Pringles and deli meats like cured ham and even pepperoni. The truth is that refined and added sugars make food tastier. Manufacturers have long realized how addictive sugar can be. Most experts believe that refined sugar is fueling a global obesity pandemic, contributing to 35 million, worldwide deaths annually.

Have you noticed that you can tolerate more and more sugar consumption and that other foods are tasting more and more bland (until you salt or sugar them up)? Not only is sugar addictive, it reprograms the brain and taste buds to encourage a higher sugar consumption. In other words, over time it takes more and more sugar for you to taste the lame level of sweet.

According to researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, steering clear of sugar for a while can help reset your taste buds. The study, which was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, examined healthy adults who consumed two or more sugary beverages every day. Cutting Back on Sugar Can Reset Your Taste Buds

In my 30+ years of clinical experience, I have noticed that it takes at least 4 weeks of a low or no sugar diet to begin genuinely reprogramming the taste buds. The longer refined sugar can be avoided, the more profound the reprogramming. When you can once again taste the sweetness of a raw vegetable and fruit seems like a dessert treat, then you are on the right track.

If you feel that gaining weight is a problem for you and you blame yourself for an apparent lack of “willpower” to control your behavior, then you need to look at this from a new perspective.

You may be a victim of an addiction that can literally hijack your thoughts and dictate your cravings. The good news is that being aware of this fact can be a game changer. Knowing that there is an outside influence working against you and that your weight gain is not just because you are “weak”, should be motivational. If you need to, let this truth renew your confidence and conviction in your ability to successfully manage weight issues.

If awareness is just not enough to gain back control over your cravings, then try one or both of the next 2 great weight prevention hacks.

  1. Veggie Power

When that sugar craving hits, have alternatives ready to run interference. As you prowl about the fridge or pantry looking for that sweet fix, grab a baby carrot instead. A handful of organic baby greens, spinach, kale, a sprig of broccoli, a slice of radish, celery or pretty much any other veggie you have available. Raw is better but cooked will do in a pinch. The phytochemistry of raw plants squish sugar cravings and will often have the side benefit of dietary fiber and antioxidants.

Want to make it more interesting? OK, if you must, dip the veggie in chickpea hummus, or pair with some berries, legumes, or perhaps pumpkin seeds.

The point here is that if you can have sweets readily available, you can also have alternatives ready to go as well. Even when you are not at home, be looking for options. With some determination and creative thinking, you can help prevent an unexpected sugar binge.

  1. The Big Gun

Still need more help? Then you want pharmaceutical grade liquid Gymnema. Don’t be fooled by over the counter Gymnema supplements. If you are attacked by your sweet tooth, a few drops of pharmaceutical grade liquid Gymnema on your tongue and you can instantly kiss your craving good-bye.

Research on this amazing substance such as, Gymnema Stops Sugar Cravings, consistently shows favorable outcomes when it comes to managing sugar cravings. But even more exciting is the benefits its use may have on helping to manage diabetes. While there are limited human trials, studies on rats are indicating a great potential for this substance and its potential role in the treatment of diabetes.

As with anything that is this powerful, there are cautions.

First, this high-grade liquid form of Gymnema works in part by altering your “sweet perception”. Meaning that for up to a few hours after using it, food may taste a bit different. Most people have reported liking this side effect as it further curbs their appetite.

Second, Gymnema may have an additive effect when taken in combination with diabetic, cholesterol-lowering, and weight loss agents. Because of this, if you use these types of medications, you should proceed carefully and ask your doctor specifically about possible reactions.

Gymnema is not recommended for children under 12 years old and women who are pregnant or breast-feeding.

The Take-Away

  • Sugar is seriously addictive and insidious. It changes your thought process and reprograms your taste buds.
  • Vegetables are your front-line defense against sweet tooth sneak attacks.
  • Pharmaceutical grade liquid Gymnema (not available over the counter) is the “Captain America” level of protection against sweet cravings.

If you want the real Liquid Gymnema, click here and simply request a bottle. We will contact you to arrange delivery.

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